For example, if this post was about how to mislead. Then the title should read "How to mislead". Thus we can conclude that if this post were about teaching how to mislead, then the current title would be misleading. 
I have proven my point. Good day to you all.

Adult Day Care.
To most of us this means old people getting help, daily.
This is misleading.
The word "adult" first of all, doesn't even mean "old people". Or even "handicapped people". Or even "people who may be handicapped or old, or both". It means "over 18".
And that's basically it, depending on the country you're visiting.
But what does "over 18" mean? Without getting into state driving laws and military service, we can keep things simple and leave it at "admission into the legal world of sexual activity". Give or take.
"Adult" films are not of old people, unless you're a filthy human being, who likes awesome movies about old people having sex with each other on camera.
"Adult" beverages are most certainly not aimed at the AARP community, not even the viagra-red_bull-schlitz trifecta. That is aimed at the impotent partying snowboarder (a larger market than you realize).
What I'm saying is, adult day care centers should be what they say they are. A place where old people would immediately have a heart attack and die happily after getting a sponge bath by 4 naked blonde cheerleader/police officers with performance-enhancing breasts.
Would you visit grandpa more often?
Would it make for a more competitive nursing home market, with better care systems in place and more accountability?
Would more people who are on the fence about where they are in life - possibly wanting to continue working, not ready to retire, still mostly in control of their functions - maybe sign up for day care earlier, opening up more jobs for today's youth?
If you answered yes to any of these three questions to which I answered yes meaning the correct answer is yes and if you answered no to any would make you not only incorrect but a terrible human being worthy of a firing squad attacking your bare bum with rubber bullets for 12 hours, then write to your local congressperson and tell them to stop sleeping with prostitutes, and get them to sign up to work at adult day care centers.
For the sake of the children.